TED Talks : Science of Happiness

I’ve discovered this little gem on the Internet not too long ago, the TED Talks, an annual event where various speakers contribute new ideas in the form of lectures, often with demonstrations of cutting edge technology.

There are videos of the talks available for free, and this is so much better TV than 90% of negativity we get on TV nowadays. Watching any one of these videos make me feel so hopeful for humankind!

Anyway, found this talk at TED 2004 by Nancy Etcoff about something very close to my heart. The science behind Happiness. Would probably be discussing more later on, so stay tuned.

The Hand That Claps – A Lesson in Reciprocity

I was attending my sister’s convocation ceremony with my parents last week, and was wondering about something we noticed. As each member of graduant’s names are called, only about a handful of the audience, fellow graduants included, were clapping to cheer them on.

Probably only the handful of relatives, as well as friends among the audience who recognized him/her contributed to the “resounding applause”.

How sad is that?

One family sitting in front of us were so adamant about lending no one a hand that they sat through the whole hour, wide awake, mind you, without their hands leaving their armpits, not even for their son/daughter on stage? (Maybe they were cold? It was a little chilly in the hall. And ten points to my dear mother for taking notice!)

Hey, here’s an idea! Maybe someone can design a system that would install an applause ring tone to all phones in the hall, so that if someone’s phone rings, it would be that of the sound of applause?

Good manners aside, I was just wondering if there was any reason anyone could bring up to appeal to these folks.

What I know of is this…

  • If you open your heart to cheer for another’s achievements, you will be that much happier with your own.
  • If you allow yourself to be happy for someone, you are programming your brain to be more receptive to happiness.

Well, the opposite of this is not to let other’s lack of cheer make you unhappy. So those ten points I gave my mom? I take them back, because we shouldn’t vest too much interest in other’s lack of happiness. It really cramps our own style!

How To Be A Happy Person? By sharing in another's happiness!
How To Be A Happy Person? By sharing in another’s happiness!

One Month On

One month on, our little bundle of joy has become a little bundle of terror.


he screams his lungs out when he is hungry,


but most of the time, he is still the little angel we have welcomed into our lives.


Baby’s Home To Stay

Here are some of the reasons why I am keen on staying strong, living my life to the fullest,

he’s so tiny, and cute.

she makes bland food look good, and giving birth a breeze.

and she made everything possible.

The Reason For Happyness has arrived!

Fresh like a clear day, our little baby boy was born on the 3rd of June.

I’ve posted mini shoutouts all over the Internet, because that’s all I can manage at the moment, because I would be rushing back to hospital to accompany Hwei Min, but he is so beautiful! Having someone so dependent on you land in your arms really changes your perspective, no matter how much you feel you are “prepared” for the moment.

I promise you will be seeing more of him soon, so hang tight! 🙂